Top eSports Betting Strategies

Top eSports Betting Strategies

Electronic sports or eSports is a form of competition using video games and is an industry worth over $3 billion. Following in its success, the global eSports Betting market is worth $1.44 billion and steadily rising in popularity. For those who enjoy it and want to make a profit from it, here are the top eSports Betting Strategies.

Like any other sport, there is no point in placing a random wager on a sport you do not understand. Instead, planning your sports bets and using your knowledge and understanding will be much more beneficial. Furthermore, it will give you a much higher chance of winning your eSports wager.

Betting on eSports is simple to do, yet difficult to master. This is because just about anybody can get lucky with an eSports bet and win once in a while. However, if you are looking to consistently wins on eSports, then you are going to need some expert help.

Know the Game Before You Start betting on it

Know the Game Before You Start betting on itBetting on eSports is all about understanding how eSports games are work and to play it. This is why it is crucial that you play the games before you bet on them. Therefore, if you plan to bet on Counter Strike or Dota 2 you should first learn how to play them.

Anybody who has spent hours playing games like Fortnite or Overwatch has a good idea as to who will win. However, when you are betting on esports, you’ll be wagering on the best players in the world. As a result, the action is even more competitive and it can be trickier to predict what will happen. Knowing the ins and outs of a game is often the difference between having a winning and a losing wager.

While you do not need to be an expert player, knowing the latest development in the games is essential.  For example, reading and understanding match analysis involves knowing the lingo of the eSport in question.

In addition, knowing the big-name competitors and teams as well is essential to winning your eSports bet.

Professional eSports Betting Strategies

There is a reason why sportsbooks are thriving with eSports betting and that is because they hold the edge. This is because they set the odds and have deeper pockets. Thus, they can outlast bettors on the long run. However, with the right eSports gambling strategies, it is possible to beat the book.

By using these eSports betting approaches, you can increase your odds of winning and your overall eSports gambling profits!

Arbitrage Betting Strategy

According to sports news, Arbitrage betting is the process of placing multiple bets on a single event. This way, you’re essentially placing bets on all of the different outcomes of the match. Therefore, it’s safe to say that at least one bet is going to come, right?

Sportsbooks frown on this, but it’s still possible for customers to place these bets by using different sportsbooks. While most of them will use the same eSports Betting software and initial odds, the odds can change at any time. Therefore, if you want to bet on a single esports match, this strategy will ensure one of the bets will return something. In the end, you will be able to make more accurate predictions about which team will win and how. While it will help your win ratio, it will also give you an edge when looking for more advantageous odds.

Pre-Match Esports Betting

Before an esports match begins, gamblers are able to place bets on select eSports betting options. In addition to the usual ‘match winner’ option, you can also place bets on other specific events of the game. This is an excellent eSports betting strategy worth considering.

This is before players/teams have entered the map, or arena, and will be available for a number of esports titles. This way of betting can usually offer some appealing betting odds, as the match has not yet started. Therefore, people can make their predictions, but no one knows for certain how the action will unfold.

Of course, using the right sportsbook is also important. This is because you want a sports betting website that have a wider range of pre-match betting odds available.

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