Sportsbooks Spend Less on Sports Betting Ads

Sportsbooks Spend Less on Sports Betting Ads

When you learn how to start a bookie business, you will be looking at the various marketing strategies to help you successfully gain more players and increase your sportsbook’s handle. Putting out ads is a great way to have a huge impact in brand recognition and customer registration. However, there is more to it than just posting advertisements everywhere. Timing, placing and frequency plays a part in a successful ad campaign. And according to the American Gaming Association (AGA), sportsbooks are now spending less on sports betting ads.

What exactly does this mean for sportsbooks? A decrease in ad spending is not a reason to be worried or concerned about the state of the industry. It could be many things- oversaturation, reaching goals, and more.

What Do You Get from Sports Betting Ads

Sportsbooks Spend Less on Sports Betting AdsWhen you learn how a sportsbook pay per head works, you will see that the software takes care of most of the tasks of the bookie. Except for looking for players. As a bookie, you will have to form and implement strategies to get your sportsbook’s name out there and get players to join your sportsbook.

Since a bookie software is affordable, you can now allot more of your budget to advertise and promote your sportsbook. See this sportsbook pay per head price comparison to understand the cost of using a bookie software. Then look at the budget you have allotted for your sportsbook business. This will be important when you are just starting out. It will help you gain brand recognition and recall. In addition, the ads you post can change, so aside from a general ad for your brand, you can also use it to promote bonuses, promotions, and other exciting offers your sportsbook has.

Why Are Operators Decreasing Ad Spending?

According to the AGA, gambling ads decreased by 14% in 2023 compared to 2022, with sports betting ads decreasing by 21%. The reason for this is quite simple, and its cost management. Here are the factors affecting the drop in ad spending.

  • Sportsbooks Spend Less on Sports Betting AdsSlower Pace. Sportsbooks tend to go heavy on promotions and advertising when they are new. This is to entice players more, and to stand out against competition. When states started legalizing sports betting, local sportsbooks would spend millions in advertising and promotions to establish their place in the market. Now that they have the market share, they can afford to decrease advertising.
  • Other More Efficient Methods. Since you already have brand recall and an established customer base, you can reallocate the ads budget to a more targeted strategy. For instance, referral bonuses might get more results rather than blanket advertising.
  • Already Earning. Once you reach the goals of the marketing plans you have regarding advertising, you can now stop the program, or decrease it to minimal spending. Since you already have the player base you want, you can reduce spending and focus on increasing revenue with a different plan in place.

If you want to know how you can run an online sportsbook- especially a highly active one with a lot of players, you can check out this sportsbook pay per head review. It will give you insights on how your sportsbook software can adjust to cater to your specific needs as a bookie.


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